Online video is a powerful marketing strategy. Discover five compelling reasons to incorporate online video content into your website.
Every aspect of your digital strategy should be shaped to attract visitors and ensure that those visitors are able to fully engage with your website and your content. Creativity will always help you to stand out from your competition, and integrating custom video content into your digital strategy has a range of benefits, both to your website and your business.
Enhance Engagement and Deliver Your Message Efficiently
Every experienced web design agency in East London recognises that many people find it easier to digest information when it is presented to them in video form. Not only do many consumers find large paragraphs of text off-putting, but the multi-sensory nature of video is inherently more engaging. Although video content should never replace your written copy completely, it can strengthen your message and enhance key engagement metrics.
Drive Traffic and Increase Your Reach
Search engines place a lot of value on fresh content. Every time you choose to add something new to your website, your search engine rankings should receive a boost. In addition to further enhancing your traffic and reach by using targeted keywords, uploading your content to YouTube will give your website the maximum search engine optimisation (SEO) benefit. You will also find it valuable to share your videos across your social platforms to help you reach every facet of your audience.
Inform and Entertain Your Audience by Showcasing Your Brand Personality
Although your content should tell your audience something new, it is important to remember that it can be both informative and entertaining. Ensuring your video is compelling will enhance the memorability of your message and make it more likely for your audience to share it. Video can also contribute to your brand’s distinctive personality, and integrating a video into your “About Us” page will often greatly enhance your company profile.
Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Audience
As consumers prefer to purchase from companies they feel they know, working with an experienced web design agency in East Londonto do everything possible to create and nurture meaningful connections with your audience is crucial to the success of your business. From engaging profiles of you and your team to product demonstrations, video is an excellent medium to help your audience to understand your values.
Stand Out From Your Competitors and Boost Your Brand Memorability
If you look at companies currently operating within your niche, you will most likely be able to name at least a handful that look or feel very similar. As it is important to differentiate your brand from the crowd, applying some creative vision to your website will help you to drive tangible results that will propel you further towards your core business objectives.
As all of these benefits will boost your KPIs, pursuing a video strategy and integrating that content into your website will be one of the best decisions you will make for your business this year.