A slow loading website can ruin your business. Make sure your website is up to speed with these handy web design tips.
If you own a website and you want it to succeed, it is essential to make sure that it loads quickly. This is because most people only want to use websites that have fast loading times; in fact, a recent study found that nearly 50% of internet users will leave a website if it takes longer than two seconds to load.
But how exactly can you boost website load time? It may seem like an impossible task, but in reality there are lots of things that you can do to make your site faster.Here are five website design tips to make the pages on your website load faster.
Make Sure That Your Images Are the Right Size
The images on your website might look small, but they could be bigger than they seem. This is because large pictures are often resized to fit the page, but they still have huge dimensions – so when the page is loading, it is slower because it is trying to load a huge picture. Thankfully there are lots of tools that you can use online to shrink a picture, a GIF or a video.
Lower Server Requests
If you have website elements that load from different servers (such as sound clips, YouTube videos or graphics) your website will be slower. So try to reduce the amount of website elements with external server requests and your page loading time should jump up.
Reduce Flash Use
Flash animations used to be very popular, but now people use them less as they can significantly slow down web pages. So if you have a Flash on your website, consider replacing it with something that would load quicker (such as an infographic or a picture).
Look At the Size of the Page
The size of the page can also affect the loading time. In general the ideal website page size is about 30KB, so aim to have web pages that are all around this size to boost overall website loading time.
If you are looking for a company that specialises in web design in East London, you might want to consider this web design in East London company. They have lots of experience with making super-speedy websites that are professional and efficient.
Use Thumbnails When Possible
Thumbnails are useful and visually appealing, but that isn’t all; they also load quickly! So if you have lots of images on your website, consider replacing some of them with smaller thumbnails. This means that your website will still be informative and appealing, but it will also load much faster.
It is entirely possible to boost the speed of your website – you just have to understand what website elements are slowing your site down. And now you know, so you can start to improve your website for your users!